Jeff Welch

« MIT Final Exams

I designed and built the UI for a fully automated MIT Final Exams system, replacing a static page that was manually generated each semester. Using the new system, department administrators can request exams far in advance. The registrar's office can then build exam schedules iteratively, changing relative weights of variables until optimal results with minimal conflicts emerge. They also assign rooms, modifying as necessary when circumstances warrant.

The publication module enables power users to release the schedule to the public when ready. The system also includes a module to handle scheduling conflicts.

The UX improved dramatically: from a static list to an interactive, searchable database with filters and two-mode viewing. Personalized exam schedules are also now available for students and professors/proctors.

Designer, prototyper and lead front-end developer
Skills/tools used:
React/Redux, Bootstrap, Sketch/Invision for prototyping
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