Jeff Welch

« MIT Scheduling

I led the design and UI development of multiple apps to manage department admin scheduling, including:

  • Classrooms: provide UI for main scheduling engine to request rooms for classes and events
  • QuickRoom: enable students to find available (unscheduled) rooms for private study
  • Subject Planning: enable department admins to set up subjects in each academic term

We changed the site architecture from server-side JSP to AngularJS, and switched to separate frontend and backend repositories that could be managed separately. This expedited frontend development enormously by preventing extra full-builds for every frontend update.

Classrooms browser featured a D3-generated calendar tool that displayed room occupancy in real time.

We started with AngularJs and migrated to React/Redux for later components. We also successfully tested polymer components as a potential cross-framework solution for component development.

Designer, prototyper and lead front-end developer
Skills/tools used:
React/Redux, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Sketch/InVision for prototyping
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